
At the time of writing, 1339 projects have been identified worldwide. Of these, 1188 projects are hosted on GitHub, 27 on GitLab and 125 on other websites or self-hosted Git platforms.

A total of 996 active project repositories have been found. A project is considered active if the public repository has at least one commit or closed issue within the last year. Inactive projects, or those that have become inactive since data collection began two years ago (192), have been excluded from our analysis to prevent distortion of current trends. Unless otherwise noted, all plots in this study refer to active projects.

The Open Source Sustainability Ecosystem#

Projects are grouped into fields based on their primary topic of focus. While the boundaries often overlap, these fields help to paint a broad landscape and can provide insight into the ecosystem health and complexity of fields relative to each other. The following sunburst diagram shows the relationship between fields, topics, and projects. The colour represents the Development Distribution Score.


Fig. 11 - All studied projects grouped into the corresponding fields and topics#


The above plot is fully interactive. Drill into fields, topics, and projects with a click! The project name links to the project’s repository.